
Principal Investigator

Daniele Lantagne

Daniele Lantagne

Lantagne Group
Curtis Hall
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office: 617-627-3211

Faculty Profile Email Dr. Lantagne

Post-Doctoral Scholar

Gabrielle String

Gabrielle String


  • Post-doctoral Scholar in Environmental Health
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2017)
  • MS Mechanical Engineering, Tufts University, 2013
  • BS Mechanical Engineering, Clarkson University, 2011
Research Interest Statement

Evaluation of drinking-water program implementations and technologies to inform programming decisions in both development and emergency contexts.

Manuscripts Published

String G and Lantagne D (2016). A systematic review of outcomes and lessons learned from general, rural, and country-specific Water Safety Plan implementations. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 16(6): 1580-1594.

Research Projects
  • Closing the Gap: Action Research on CISUR Interventions in Emergency Response Sponsor: OFDA
  • Filling the Gap: Researching CISUR Interventions to Prevent Cholera Sponsor: R2HC
  • Operational Research on Water Safety Plans in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, DRC, and Ghana Sponsor: UNICEF
  • Tufts-UNICEF SSFA on Syria, Nigeria, and Literature Review
    Sponsor: UNICEF/NYC
  • Evaluation of charity: water programs in Malawi
    Sponsor: charity: water
  • Collaboration between Tufts and Kohler of a Novel Ceramic Filter
    Sponsor: Kohler
  • Laboratory investigations of fouling in membrane filters used for household water treatment in low-income and emergency contexts
    Sponsor: Tufts University

Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Camille Heylen

Camille Heylen

Camille Heylen received her BSc in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium in 2010. Subsequently, she received an MSc in Environmental Engineering from the same Department in 2012, and an MSc in Technology for Integrated Water Management from the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University, Belgium in 2018. Before joining the Lantagne Group in 2018, she worked for four years on Environmental Health Risk Assessment projects for a consultancy firm.

Her research interests are related to the use of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions, environmental health, water quality monitoring, and wastewater treatment technology.

In the Lantagne Group, she has worked on:

  • Laboratory research on using locally-available materials to clean membrane fibers used for household water treatment, and cholera removal and flow modeling in household ceramic filters.
  • Field work on household disinfection in cholera contexts and on chlorination;
  • Policy work on outputs and outcomes of humanitarian coordination;
  • Remote water data collection.

In her spare time, she enjoys doing "DIY activities" (such as sewing or making cheese and beer in her basement), traveling/exploring new places, and spending time with family and friends.

Marine Ricau

Marine Ricau

Marine Ricau received a Masters degree in Environmental Engineering at the Mines-Douai Engineering School in France in 2012. She joined the Lantagne Group in 2020. Her research interests are in fecal sludge management and cholera control in humanitarian contexts. In the Lantagne Group, she has worked on:

  • A systematic review of fecal sludge management interventions in humanitarian contexts.
  • The evaluation of the effectiveness of a bio-additive to reduce the accumulation of fecal sludge in septic tanks and pit latrines in humanitarian contexts.
  • The evaluation of the efficiency of fecal sludge dewatering geotextiles for humanitarian contexts
  • The evaluation of monitoring tools for WASH response in a cholera outbreak in northeast Nigeria.
  • The collaborative development of context-specific WASH minimum guidelines for the containment, control, and elimination of Cholera.

In her spare time she enjoys reading novels and spending time with friends and family.

Elsa Rohm

Elsa Rohm

Elsa Rohm is a member of the Class of 2022 at Tufts University. She is double-majoring in Environmental Engineering and Community Health and minoring in Dance. She joined the Lantagne Group in the summer of 2020, where she co-authored a systematic review about the environmental detection, stability, and disinfection of SARS-CoV-2 which was subsequently published in the special COVID-19 edition of Environmental Science and Technology. She has continued her work with the Lantagne Group during the summer of 2021 and the following academic year contributing to a prioritization exercise for research gaps for WASH response to humanitarian emergencies. She has also continued to work on updating the systematic review.

Elsa is interested in emergency WASH response and control of infectious disease following emergencies. She also works as a co-project lead for Tufts Engineers Without Borders. In her spare time she enjoys dancing, reading, and working on crafting projects.

Placeholder Vertical

Noah Bedrosian

Noah Bedrosian is a current undergraduate student working towards a BSc in Environmental Engineering, expected May 2022. He joined the Lantagne Group in 2020. His research interests include disease prevention applications of environmental engineering and monitoring and evaluation for water, sanitation, and hygiene. In the Lantagne Group, he has worked on:

  • A systematic literature review of the breaking of environmental transmission routes for SARS-CoV-2.
  • Evaluative work on a novel WASH Severity Classification system.

In his spare time, he enjoys singing a cappella, yoga, and running.