School of Engineering

Cell and Bioprocess Engineering Track

The Cell and Bioprocess Engineering track, administered by the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, looks at bioprocess design and optimization with emphasis on molecular and cellular processes. Our major educational objective for students is the attainment of core knowledge in both upstream and downstream engineering aspects of modern biotechnology. The core subject areas integrate applied biology, chemical reaction engineering and systems analysis. Topics include enzyme and pathway engineering; fermentation and bioreactors; and cellular systems modeling and analysis.

Read FAQs for the Cell and Bioprocess Engineering Track

Track Requirements (Non-thesis)

In addition to the 12 core SHU requirements, students in this track must also take:

Course IDCourse Name
CHBE 160
(3 SHUs)
Biochemical Engineering
CHBE 161
(3 SHUs)
Biochemical Separations / Protein Purification
CHBE 166
(3 SHUs)
Cell and Microbe Cultivation
2 elective coursesSee list of approved electives

Choose one:

Course IDCourse Name
CHBE 159
(3 SHUs)
Synthetic Biology
CHBE 165
(3 SHUs)
Biomolecular Engineering and Design
CHBE 167
(3 SHUs)
Metabolic and Cell Engineering

Track Requirements (Thesis)

In addition to the 12 core SHU requirements, students in this track must also take:

Course IDCourse Name
CHBE 160
(3 SHUs)
Biochemical Engineering
CHBE 161
(3 SHUs)
Biochemical Separations / Protein Purification
CHBE 166
(3 SHUs)
Cell and Microbe Cultivation
BIO 295/BIO 296
(6 SHUs)

Choose one:

Course IDCourse Name
CHBE 159
(3 SHUs)
Synthetic Biology
CHBE 167
(3 SHUs)
Metabolic & Cell Engineering

Elective Credits in Cell and Bioprocess Engineering

CHBE options for the Biology and Mathematics core requirements can be used as electives, if they have not been used to satisfy these core requirements.

As always, please consult the SIS Student Portal website for exact times and dates of all classes offered below.

Course IDCourse Name
CHBE 159
(3 SHUs)
Synthetic Biology
CHBE 163
(3 SHUs)
Recombinant DNA Techniques
CHBE 164
(3 SHUs)
Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine
CHBE 165
(3 SHUs)
Biomolecular Engineering and Design
CHBE 167
(3 SHUs)
Metabolic and Cell Engineering
CHBE 168
(3 SHUs)
Biotechnology Projects Lab
CHBE 185
(3 SHUs)
Drug Product Formulation
CHBE 194
(3 SHUs)
Data Science in Biotechnology
EM 211
(3 SHUs)
Lean Six Sigma
*EM 231
(2 SHUs)
Project Management Strategies & Methodologies
EM 252
(3 SHUs)
Business Communications (A + B)
EM 261
(3 SHUs)
Leadership for Technical Professionals
*EM 262
(2 SHUs)
Negotiation & Conflict Resolution for Engineers & Technologists

*These two courses will together count as one elective.