School of Engineering

Signals and Systems Track

The Signal and Systems track, administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, educates biotechnology engineers in:

  • analysis and processing of signals with an emphasis on biomedical image processing and image formation
  • design, control and synthesis of systems for biotechnology (e.g., development of miniaturized devices, circuits and systems, or controller design for bioreactors).

Track Requirements

In addition to the 12 core SHU requirements, students in this track must also take:

Course ID Course Name
EE 125
(3 SHUs)
Digital Signal Processing
EE 133
(3 SHUs)
Digital Image Processing
4 elective courses -

Elective Credits in Signals and Systems

As always, please consult the SIS Student Portal website for exact times and dates of all classes offered below.

Course ID Course Name
EE 105
(3 SHUs)
Feedback-Control Systems
EE 106
(3 SHUs)
Advanced Feedback-Control Systems
EE 127
(3 SHUs)
Information Theory
EE 147
(3 SHUs)
Analog and Mixed Signal MOS Integrated Circuit Design
EE 194
(3 SHUs)
Directed Study
EE 229
(3 SHUs)
Detection and Estimation Theory 
EE 247
(3 SHUs)
Advanced Analog and Mixed Signal IC Design
EE 294
(3 SHUs)
Master's Project
EE 296
(3 SHUs)
Master's Thesis
ChBE 167
(3 SHUs)
Metabolic and Cell Engineering
BME 165
(3 SHUs)
Principles of Controlled Release & Drug Delivery
EE/BME 131
(3 SHUs)
Principles of Medical Imaging