MS in Software Systems Development

The official policies for this program may be found in the CS Department Bulletin. If there is any conflict between this webpage and the official policies, then the official policies have precedence. 

The Master of Science in Software Systems Development prepares students for careers in a fast-growing technology market. Students will learn how to design, build, and test systems programs in C and C++ through a set of courses containing practical experience in all aspects of C/C++ software development. Students may choose between completing a master’s thesis or a course-based study track. The degree can be completed on a full-time or part-time schedule. The Master of Science degree requires a minimum of 30 credits and the fulfillment of at least 10 courses; all courses must be at the 100 level or above.

Students must complete the following courses:

  • CS 111: Operating Systems
  • CS 116: Security
  • CS 121: Software Engineering

One or more of the following courses:

  • CS 112: Networks
  • CS 115: Databases
  • CS 118: Cloud Computing
  • CS 119: Big Data
  • CS 120: Web Engineering

As well as elective courses from the following options:

  • CS 105: Programming Languages
  • CS 117: Internet-scale distributed systems: lessons from the www
  • CS 131: Artificial Intelligence
  • CS 135: Machine Learning
  • CS 139: Ethics of HRI
  • CS 140: Advanced Computer Architecture
  • CS 156: Special Topics in the Practice of Software Development
  • CS 175: Computer Graphics
  • CS 177: Visualization

Further information about the M.S. program requirements may be found in the CS Supplement to the Graduate Student Handbook.