Lenore Cowen

Lenore Cowen

Academic Leave
(617) 627-2225
177 College Avenue
Research/Areas of Interest:

data science, graph algorithms, distributed algorithms, approximate routing, classification and clustering for high-dimensional data, coloring and its generalizations, computational molecular biology


  • Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States, 1993
  • B.A., Yale University, New Haven, United States, 1987


Lenore Cowen is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tufts University, with a courtesy appointment in the Department of Mathematics. After finishing her Ph.D. in mathematics at MIT in 1993, she was an NSF postdoctoral fellow and then joined the faculty of the Mathematical Sciences Department (now the Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department) at Johns Hopkins University. She joined Tufts in 2001 and is a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and a fellow of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). Her research interests span three areas: discrete mathematics, algorithms, and computational molecular biology.