Graduate Research 2022-2023

Ayca Aygun, PhD student, presented "Cognitive Workload Assessment via Eye Gaze and EEG in an Interactive Multi-Modal Driving Task", co-authored by Boyang Lyu, Thuan Nyugen, Zachary Haga, Professor Shuchin Aeron, and Professor Matthias Scheutz at the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI Nov 2022).

Jared Chandler, PhD candidate, presented “Deceptive self-attack for cyber-defense,” co-authored by Adam Wick at Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) January 2023.

Jared Chandler, PhD candidate, presented “Synthesizing intrusion detection system test data from open-source attack signatures,” co-authored by Adam Wick at the IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (LANGSEC), May 2023.

Zhe Huang, PhD Candidate, presented “Fix-A-Step: Semi-supervised Learning from Uncurated Unlabeled Data,” co-authored by Mary-Joy Sidhom, Benjamin S. Wessler, and Professor Michael Hughes at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (PMLR), April 2023.

Darby Huye, PhD candidate, presented “Lifting the veil on Meta’s microservice architecture: Analyses of topology and request workflows,” co-authored by Yuri Shkuro, and Professor Raja R. Sambasivan at the 2023 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), July 2023.

Samantha Katcher, PhD candidate, presented “Vulnerability Discovery for All: Experiences of Marginalization in Vulnerability Discovery”, co-authored by Kelsey Fulton, Kevin Song, Marshini Chetty, Michelle L. Mazurek, Chloé Messdaghi, and Professor Daniel Votipka at the 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP, May 23).

James Mattei, PhD Candidate, presented "A Qualitative Evaluation of Reverse Engineering Tool Usability", co-authored by Madeline McLaughlin, Samantha Katcher, and Professor Daniel Votipka at the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC Dec 2022).

Monsurat Olaosebikan, PhD candidate, was awarded the Doctoral Consortium Best Presentation Award for her presentation “Designing Immersive Tools for Supporting Cognition in Remote Scientific Collaboration” at the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR), March 2022. 

Monsurat Olaosebikan, PhD candidate, presented "Identifying cognitive and creative support needs for remote scientific collaboration using vr: Practices, affordances, and design implications," co-authored by Claudia Aranda Barrios, Blessing Kolawole, Professor Lenore Cowen, and Professor Orit Shaer at the 14th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, June 2022; published in Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Creativity and Cognition, pp. 97-110. 2022.

Other Publications

Jared Chandler, PhD candidate, published “Binaryinferno: A semantic-driven approach to field inference for binary message formats,” co-authored by Adam Wick, and Kathleen Fisher at the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), 2023.

Kapil Devkota, PhD candidate, published "GLIDER: function prediction from GLIDE-based neighborhoods." co-authored by Henri Schmidt, Matt Werenski, Mert Erden, Victor Arsenescu, Professor James M. Murphy, and Professor Lenore J. Cowen in Bioinformatics 38, no. 13 (2022) 3395-3406. 

Patrick Feeney, PhD student, published "NovelCraft: A Dataset for Novelty Detection and Discovery in Open Worlds", co-authored by Sarah Schneider, Panagiotis Lymperopoulos, Professor Liping Liu, Professor Matthias Scheutz, and Professor Michael C. Hughes in Transactions on Machine Learning Research, March 2023.

Polina Shpilker, PhD candidate, published "MEDFORD: A human-and machine-readable metadata markup language," co-authored with John Freeman, Hailey McKelvie, Jill Ashey, Jay-Miguel Fonticella, Hollie Putnam, Jane Greenberg, Professor Lenore Cowen, Professor Alva Couch, and Professor Noah M. Daniels in Database, Volume 2022 (2022): baac065.