Diane Souvaine

Diane Souvaine

Academic Leave
(617) 627-2486
177 College Avenue
Diane Souvaine

Research/Areas of Interest

computational geometry, design and analysis of algorithms, computational complexity


  • A.B., Harvard University, Cambridge, United States
  • A.M.S.L., Dartmouth College, Hanover, United States
  • M.S.E., Princeton University, Princeton, United States
  • M.A., Princeton University, United States
  • Ph.D., Princeton University, Princeton, United States


Diane L. Souvaine is a professor in the Department of Computer Science. She holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Mathematics. She served as Vice Provost for Research from 2012-2016, Senior Advisor to the Provost from 2016-2017, and chaired the Department of Computer Science from 2002-2009. Prior to Tufts, Souvaine was a member of the Rutgers University faculty for 12 years.

She served as Chair of the National Science Board (NSB), the governing body of the National Science Foundation, from May 11, 2018 through May 10, 2020. She was appointed to the NSB by President Bush in 2008 and reappointed by President Obama in 2014.