Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence research at Tufts Computer Science is centered at the Machine Learning Group and the Human-Robot Interaction Lab with some collaboration between the labs. Our work spans many aspects of AI:

  • Learning: including foundations and algorithms for machine learning and data mining, interdisciplinary applications, and learning from natural language instructions 
  • Planning: including deterministic and decision-theoretic planning, learning for planning, and applying planning to robotic domains 
  • Knowledge representation and inference: including representation, inference algorithms and complexity analysis for propositional problems, and for relational structured domain
  • Natural language understanding: including parsing, semantic and pragmatic analysis, and dialogue processing 
  • Agent architectures: for simulated and robotic agents, including investigations of architectural tradeoffs and novel architectural mechanisms and algorithms for introspection and reflection, fault detection and recovery 
  • Cognitive architectures: for complex computational models of human cognitive functions and for complex artificial agents that interact with humans in natural language
  • Multi-agent systems: including computational middle-ware for artificial virtual and robotic agents, as well as grid-based computational infrastructures and simulation environments
  • Human-robot interaction: including empirical investigations and evaluations of robots interacting with humans in a variety of tasks, using natural language as well as brain-computer interfaces
  • Robot/machine ethics: including foundational work on potential dangers of technology as well as empirical human-robot interaction studies

For more details about AI research at Tufts and ongoing projects, please visit these research websites: