Joint PhD in Human-Robot Interaction

Students desiring to be admitted to this program must first (or simultaneously) be admitted to one of three other graduate programs at Tufts (so-called “home” departments). At this time these include: Computer ScienceElectrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

For those in the Computer Science program, all of the requirements for the Computer Science PhD as well as those for HRI (see below) must be met. The degree awarded will be a "Joint PhD in Computer Science and Human-Robot Interaction."

Doctoral degrees require the fulfillment of the specific department requirements including the number of courses with grades of S (satisfactory) or at least a B-, as well as successful completion of the qualifying examination and doctoral dissertation.

Summary of Requirements

In addition to the Computer Science PhD requirements, a minimum of 10 HRI courses (5 core courses and 5 electives; note that many of these also count towards the Computer Science requirements)

Additional program requirements include

  • Demonstrated competence in four core research methods 
  • Colloquium series 
  • Teaching requirement 
  • Qualifying exams

For further and more detailed information about the Tufts Joint HRI PhD program, visit the HRI program site.