Centers and Laboratories

Exterior of laboratory building.

Biomedical Engineering Projects Laboratory
Science & Technology Center Building, Room 252
This lab contains standard electronics equipment (digital oscilloscopes, signal generators, power supplies, electronics components, electronics breadboards, etc.) and personal computers for teaching laboratories and for individual or group design/research projects.

Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratories
Science & Technology Center Building, Rooms 283, 285, 286
For maintaining, growth and study of mammalian cell lines, tissue culture and tissue engineering and related needs. Facilities include carbon dioxide incubators, biosafety cabinets, microscopes. Jointly run with Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering.

Fermentation/Bioprocessing Laboratories
Science & Technology Center Building, Rooms 166, 167A
Jointly run with Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering.

Human Factors/Ergonomics in Remote Environments
Science & Technology Center Building, Room 156
Jointly run with Mechanical Engineering.

Initiative for Neural Science, Disease & Engineering (INSciDE at Tufts)
Science & Engineering Complex
The Initiative for Neural Science, Disease & Engineering (INSciDE at Tufts) is a new interdisciplinary center with multi-scale focus on brain and peripheral nervous system structure, function, and disease. Learn more

Molecular Biology Laboratories
Science & Technology Center Building, Rooms 157, 162, 164
PCR machines to perform DNA amplification, analysis, and purification, protein purification and characterization, SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, chromatography, HPLC. Jointly run with Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering.

Tissue Engineering Resource Center (TERC)
Science & Technology Center Building
This center is designed to advance fundamental and translational aspects of functional tissue engineering through scientific discovery, collaborations, training for investigators, and dissemination of scientific findings and new techniques to the tissue engineering community. Learn more

Tufts Advanced Microscopic Imaging Center (TAMIC)
Science & Engineering Complex, Room 135
This core imaging facility offers a wide array of optical and spectral quantitative imaging techniques for the chemical and structural characterization of biological specimens and engineered tissues. Imaging modalities include: confocal fluorescence and reflectance; multiphoton fluorescence, second harmonic generation, fluorescence lifetime (FLIM) and vibrational spectroscopy (CARS). Learn more