Nathaniel Eagan
Academic Leave

Research/Areas of Interest
Sustainability, experimental heterogeneous catalysis, clean energy, fuels and chemicals, biomass
- PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, United States, 2019
- BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst Center, United States, 2014
Nat Eagan obtained his Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2014 before pursuing a PhD in chemical engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison under the direction of Professor George Huber. He earned his PhD in 2019 with a thesis entitled, "Catalytic Conversion of Biomass-Derived Platform Molecules to Distillate-Range Fuels." Eagan then spent one year investigating catalysis by dilute alloys as a postdoctoral associate at Tufts in the IMASC EFRC under the supervision of Professor Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos and Professor Charles Sykes before transferring to Harvard University to continue this work under the supervision of Professor Cynthia Friend and Professor Robert Madix. He returned to the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department at Tufts as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2021.