Current Students
The first two years emphasize coursework in the basic sciences (math, physics, chemistry, and biology). Introductory Chemical and Biological Engineering courses (ChBE10 and 11) are also included to introduce the student to general underlying concepts in the discipline. The junior and senior years then provide more advanced and specific core coursework that places chemical and biological examples and applications in an engineering context.
MS and Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering and a Master of Science in Bioengineering. In addition, the School of Engineering offers exceptional Tufts undergraduate students the option of pursuing the Fifth-Year Master's Degree Program (BS/MS) as a thesis or non-thesis program.
PhD in Biotechnology
First-year courses for this program include Biochemical Engineering, Metabolic and Cellular Engineering, Protein Purification, and Principles of Cell and Microbe Cultivation.
PhD in Chemical Engineering
First-year courses for this program include Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, Advanced Thermodynamics, Advanced Kinetics and Reaction Engineering, and Advanced Transport Phenomena.
The biotechnology certificate program gives you the skills employers are looking for to develop today's products: biochemical process engineering principles, molecular biology practices, and state-of-the-art cloning and expression techniques.