Chris Rogers
(617) 627-2882
212 College Avenue, Room 164

Research/Areas of Interest
Engineering Education, Human Robot Interaction, Mechanical Engineering, Music Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
- PhD, Stanford University, Stanford, United States, 1989
- MS, Stanford University, Stanford, United States, 1985
- BSME, Stanford University, Stanford, United States, 1984
Chris Rogers' current research work falls into four areas: (1) manufacture of musical instruments (Steinway and Sons and Conn-Selmer), (2) engineering education (LEGO Education, LEGO Foundation, PTC, Kodosky Foundation and the NSF), (3) educational robotics (LEGO, NSF, National Instruments), and (4) education outreach (LEGO Foundation, LLL Foundation). The first is mainly aimed at optimizing existing manufacturing processes and the other three look at ways of understanding how students think and then using that knowledge to develop new educational technologies and work with teachers and schools in the use of these technologies.
As a founding member of the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, Rogers' additional work falls into four parts: (1) education research, (2) tool development, (3) outreach, and (4) teacher professional development. Through the Center, CEEO works with thousands of teachers every year as part of the LEGO engineering conference circuit and the LEGOEngineering.com website. CEEO collaborates with a dozen universities and industries in developing volunteer programs to assist teachers in bringing engineering into the classroom. CEEO also develops tools (LEGO-based and around movie making) to increase opportunities for kids. Finally, CEEO combine this work with education research to inform development and outreach strategies.
As a founding member of the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, Rogers' additional work falls into four parts: (1) education research, (2) tool development, (3) outreach, and (4) teacher professional development. Through the Center, CEEO works with thousands of teachers every year as part of the LEGO engineering conference circuit and the LEGOEngineering.com website. CEEO collaborates with a dozen universities and industries in developing volunteer programs to assist teachers in bringing engineering into the classroom. CEEO also develops tools (LEGO-based and around movie making) to increase opportunities for kids. Finally, CEEO combine this work with education research to inform development and outreach strategies.