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Department Faculty
Jason Rife
Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering
navigation, safety-critical transportation systems, state estimation, human-robot interaction
Nadine Aubry
Professor and Senior Advisor to the Dean of Engineering
Fluid dynamics, turbulence, reduced modeling of complex systems, dynamical systems theory, chaotic mixing, microfluidics, electrohydrodynamics, manipulation and assembly of nanoscale particles in microfluidics, biofluids
Briana Bouchard
Assistant Teaching Professor
Product Design, Educational Robotics, Mechanical Design, Engineering Education, Electronic Portfolios & Assessment
Luisa Chiesa
sustainable energy, superconducting materials, materials science
Jeffrey Guasto
Associate Professor
biophysics and soft matter, microscale fluid mechanics and transport phenomena, microfluidic devices
Daniel Hannon
Professor of the Practice
human factors, airspace systems
Trevion Henderson
Assistant Professor
Engineering education; Diversity, equity, and inclusion; team-based engineering pedagogies; engineering design thinking
Marc Hodes
heat transfer, apparent slip, thermal management of electronics, mass transfer in supercritical fluids and thermoelectricity, material science
Felix Huang
human factors, human motor learning, human motor control, neuro-rehabilitation, robotics, virtual reality, surgery skill training
James Intriligator
Professor of the Practice
Human Factors Engineering, Innovation, Design Thinking, AI-powered Innovation and R&D, Human Machine System Design, Robotics, Machine Learning, Perception, Psychology
Mark Kachanov
Mechanics of materials; effective properties of heterogeneous materials; microstructure-property relationships; applications to material science
Erica Kemmerling
Associate Teaching Professor
Fluid mechanics, flow in the human body, hemodynamics, aneurysms, heart development, flow in tumors, cardiac assist devices
Hoda Koushyar
Assistant Teaching Professor
biomechanics, applied mechanics, materials characterization, engineering education
Gary Leisk
Teaching Professor
machine design, nondestructive testing
Douglas Matson
solidification processes, thermal manufacturing, machine design, materials science
Dave Miller
Assistant Teaching Professor
Human-technology collaboration, cooperation, and conflict; moral decision-making; mental models
Pratap Misra
Professor of the Practice
GPS, emerging satellite navigation systems
Jannatun Nawer
Research Assistant Professor
High-temperature material processing, Material Characterization, Advanced alloy design, Additive manufacturing
Markus Nemitz
Assistant Professor
Pushing towards his vision of rapidly designing robots and materializing them at points of impact, Prof. Nemitz's research interests encompass 3D-printable robots, real-time adaptive additive manufacturing, and automated discovery processes for robotic materials.
Chris Rogers
John R. Beaver Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Education, Human Robot Interaction, Mechanical Engineering, Music Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
Anil Saigal
materials engineering, materials science, manufacturing processes, quality control
Igor Sokolov
Engineering for Health -> Physics of cancer and aging -> Mechanics of biomaterials at the nanoscale, Synthesis and study of functionals nanomaterials for biomedical imaging and drug delivery, Advanced imaging for medical diagnostics, Novel processes and materials for dentistry: nano-polishing and self-healing materials
Kristen Wendell
Associate Professor and Stacey and Robert Morse Fellow
learning sciences, engineering education, design practices, classroom discourse, engineering knowledge construction
Robert White
Associate Professor
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) fabrication, modeling, and testing. Particularly acoustic MEMS (microphones, ultrasound), and aerodynamic measurement technologies (skin friction sensors, aeroacoustic sensors). Acoustics, vibrations, dynamics and controls. Electromechanical systems including robotics. Finite element methods and system modeling. Electronics for measurement. Mechanical measurements.
Michael Wiklund
Professor of the Practice
human factors
Matthew Woodward
Assistant Professor
Animals, as a consequence of evolution, employ multiple, complex, highly interconnected, locomotion modes to overcome obstacles and move through unstructured environments; the individual contributions of which are not well understood. While roboticists have made great strides in enhancing robot performance, the focus has been on the control system (brain, sensors), and yet a significant gap still exists between robots and their biological counterparts. The Robot Locomotion & Biomechanics Laboratory at Tufts University focuses on enhancing robot mobility through a deeper understanding of the fundamental design methodologies employed by animals to combine locomotion modes (integrated multimodal locomotion), interact deterministically yet passively with the environment (morphological intelligence), and actuate their physical systems (advance actuation). Current projects include, adapting the complex, passive, multifunctional feet of desert locusts to enhance the dynamic surface interactions of terrestrial robots and support highly dynamic behaviors, studying how flying animals may use their physical systems (bodies) to transform relatively simple inputs into complex non-linear outputs through an understanding of the unsteady aerodynamics, and understand how swarms communicate and create complex structures.
Michael Zimmerman
Professor of the Practice
novel polymer electrolytes for batteries, liquid crystal polymers, composite materials, materials science
Secondary Appointments
Karen Panetta
Distinguished Professor and Dean of Graduate Education
Signal processing; image processing; simulation modeling
Abani Patra
Center Director for Data Science of TIAI, Professor of Computer Science and Math
computational sciences, data driven modeling
Greses PĂ©rez
McDonnell Family Assistant Professor of Engineering Education
cognition and learning sciences, science education, engineering education, diversity and identity, technology and education, language and cognition, multicompetence
Matthias Scheutz
Karol Family Applied Technology Professor
Artificial intelligence, artificial life, cognitive modeling, foundations of cognitive science, human-robot interaction, multi-scale agent-based models, natural language understanding.
Elaine Short
Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor
human-robot interaction, accessibility, robotics, human-in-the-loop machine learning, assistive technology Applying human-centered design and disability community values to the development, deployment, and evaluation of AI and machine learning for robotics, including: human-centered human-in-the-loop machine learning; disability-friendly assistive robotics; autonomous HRI in groups, public spaces, and other human-human contexts; and accessibility and disability inclusion in robotics education and the computing research community.
Jivko Sinapov
Associate Professor
Artificial Intelligence, Developmental Robotics, Computational Perception, Robotic Manipulation, Machine Learning, Human-Robot and Human-Computer Interaction
Deborah Sunter
Assistant Professor
Science focused on energy, development and environmental management. Computational modeling of electrical grid integration of renewable energy and storage. Interaction of science and policy in academia, industry and government
Holly Taylor
Moses Hunt Professor of Psychology
Spatial Cognition, Language, Memory
Thomas Vandervelde
Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Interaction of light with matter, physics of nanostructures and interfaces, metamaterials, material science, plasmonics, and surfactants, semiconductor photonics and electronics, epitaxial crystal growth, materials and devices for energy and infrared applications.
Part-time Lecturers
David Aurelio
Engineering/applied psychology, consumer product design, usability metrics, information visualization, and research field methods.
Maxwell Bischoff
Part-time Lecturer
industrial design, design strategy, interaction design, UI, UX
Linda Borghesani
Part-time Lecturer
Human Factors, user interface design, user research, usability testing, heuristic & expert evaluations, concept testing, card sort/IA studies, benchmarking/competitive studies, customer experience, diary studies, mobile devices, customer research, strategic insights, journey mapping, user personas, design thinking workshops
Gian Calise
Part-time Lecturer
Alexandria Carlson
Part-time Lecturer
Divya Chandra
Part-time Lecturer
Bradley Duncan
Part-time Lecturer
Sami Durrani
Part-time Lecturer
Daniel Fox
Part-time Lecturer
Kenneth James
Part-time Lecturer
Nicholas Katis
Part-time Lecturer
Golriz Kermani
Part-time Lecturer
Material characterization, lithium-ion batteries, tissue biomechanics, and engineering education
Steven Langel
Part-time Lecturer
Chaiwoo Lee
Part-time Lecturer
Harold Miller-Jacobs
Part-time Lecturer
Engineering psychology, self-driving cars, health care, organizational psychology, mechanical engineering.
Kelsey Rogers
Part-time Lecturer
architectural acoustics, acoustical simulation
Jason Ryan
Part-time Lecturer
Brandon Stafford
Manager, Nolop FAST Facility
Mary Stearns
Part-time Lecturer
Dr. Stearns provided thought leadership to USDOT in the areas of human factors research and evaluation focusing on relationships between humans and transportation policies and processes. She has a broad understanding of the human factors issues affecting transportation due to her work as the founding Executive Agent for the DOT's Human Factors Coordinating Committee (HFCC). Her research contributions focused on social factors influencing the use, operation, and organization of transportation systems and equipment. She led research to address user acceptance of new vehicle technologies and designed and conducted evaluations of user acceptance of automotive collision avoidance and roadway departure warning systems. She led a government-industry cooperative program to develop the first generation of driver assist features using an adaptive interface system to minimize driver distraction. She led the Volpe Center's aviation human factors program and designed and conducted a longitudinal effort to assess the impact of advanced technology on transit operations. She and her team developed a software tool to evaluate and record human factors considerations for air traffic controllers' equipment, provided the human factors plan for a proposed air traffic control upgrade, and provided software tools for acquiring and archiving data on air traffic control activity. She documented the differential impacts of the energy shortage by user category. She has also analyzed alcohol-related recreational boating fatalities, use of automotive safety belts, experiences of older drivers, general aviation fatalities, marine crew fatigue, characteristics of the future FAA maintenance work force, and the impacts of crew scheduling and fatigue on the railroad industry. She has extensive experience developing data collection and analyses strategies and has consulted on, as well as designed, numerous data collection instruments and surveys.
Ken Tango
Part-time Lecturer
Haroula Tzamaras
Part-time Lecturer
Ryan Wexler
Part-time Lecturer
Affiliate Faculty
Jianmin Qu
Adjunct Professor
micromechanics of composites, interfacial fracture and adhesion, fatigue and creep damage in solder alloys, thermomechanical reliability of microelectronic packaging, defects and transport in solids with applications to solid oxide fuel cells and batteries, ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of advanced engineering materials, material science
Behrouz Abedian
Associate Professor Emeritus
Fluid Mechanics, Rheology, Electrohydrodynamics, Fluidic devices.
William Crochetiere
Professor Emeritus
Robert Greif
Professor Emeritus
John Kreifeldt
Professor Emeritus
Benjamin Perlman
Professor Emeritus