
Tufts Engineering

Life sciences capital funding

Three projects from Tufts faculty and alumni were awarded funding to support R&D, innovation in addressing challenges in therapeutic delivery and unlocking the potential of data science to answer pressing life sciences questions.
Tufts Engineering

Engineers receive NSF fellowships

Tufts students and alumni Greg Berumen, Olivia Martin, and Lauren Varanese have been named Fellows of the 2021 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
Tufts Engineering

Senior Spotlight: Akshita Rao

As a Tufts undergraduate, Akshita Rao, E21, quickly realized she could get involved with research and have an active social life.
Tufts Engineering

Microbial transport

Researchers at Tufts describe a novel motility mechanism that allows swimming cells to escape from viscous environments.
Tufts Engineering

Tufts joins select group of research universities

Tufts University has been selected to join the Association of American Universities (AAU), a consortium of America’s leading research universities noted for their accomplishments in education, research, and innovation.
Tufts Engineering

Senior Spotlight: Emai Lai

Over the past four years, Emai Lai, E21, has focused on making her story and making things, something that she’ll miss when she graduates in May 2021.