N. Bruce and Lorry Hanes Endowed Fellowship


N. Bruce Hanes

The Hanes Fellowship was launched in November 2015, with a goal to raise $250,000. To date, more than 130 alums, friends, and colleagues have supported our efforts and contributed a total of $214,000. As we wind down our major fundraising efforts, we believe that the $36,000 needed to reach our goal is within our grasp and are hopeful that the goal set by our committee will be met.

Thanks to our community of supporters and the added support of the Tufts Financial Aid initiative, the impact of the N. Bruce and Lorry Hanes Endowed Fellowship has already been felt by two Tufts CEE master's candidates. Our second award recipient, Elisa Jazan, was announced at the annual Alumni and Student Awards Dinner on May 6, 2017. Ms. Jazan will be utilizing her laboratory skills in chemistry as she works to develop a methodology to predict the additive effects of toxicological exposures to environmental contaminants.

Professor Hanes

Professor N. Bruce Hanes retired from Tufts in 1992 after 32 years on the CEE faculty, 12 of them as Chair. He was an advocate for environmental engineering education, committed to public and professional service, and an exemplary educator of scores of leaders in environmental engineering and health. But more importantly, we remember Bruce for his personal warmth, generosity, encouragement, and friendliness. Professor Hanes passed away on April 21, 2014.

How to donate

Visit the Giving to Tufts website to make your gift today! More than 130 alumni, friends, and colleagues had contributed $214,000 in gifts and pledges as of May 2017. We need $36,000 to reach our goal!