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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
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Department Faculty
Laurie Gaskins Baise
Professor and Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering
geotechnical earthquake engineering, seismic hazard mapping, natural hazards
C. Andrew Ramsburg
Associate Professor and Dean of Undergraduate Education
multiphase flow and transport in porous media, liquid-liquid and solid-liquid equilibria, sols and emulsions, surfactants and interfaces, mass transfer, biotransformation, emerging contaminants
Brian Brenner
Professor of the Practice
structural engineering, concrete design, bridge analysis and design, structural analysis/design
Wayne Chudyk
Associate Professor
drinking water quality and toxic materials, groundwater monitoring
Luis Dorfmann
Mathematical models of material behavior; Nonlinear magneto- and electromechanical interactions; Biomechanics of soft materials; Rubber elasticity and inelasticity
John Durant
Air pollution monitoring, mobile monitoring, air pollution modeling, ambient air quality, indoor air quality, air pollution control, air pollution exposure, air pollution epidemiology
Ana Fernandes
Professor of the Practice
John Germaine
Research Professor
geotechnical, laboratory testing, automation, soil behavior, physical properties, mechanical properties, material science
David Gute
environmental and occupational epidemiology, environmental health and safety
Eric Hines
Professor of the Practice and Kentaro Tsutsumi Faculty Fellow
Offshore Wind Energy Structural Design Earthquake Engineering
Neelakshi Hudda
Research Assistant Professor
urban air population, transportation emissions
Shafiqul Islam
Water Diplomacy, Principled Pragmatism, Data Driven Decision Making, Climate and Health, Remote Sensing, Flood Forecasting
Lucy Jen
Professor of the Practice
geotechnical engineering, foundation engineering, and numerical methods in geotechnical engineering
Daniel Kuchma
design, behavior, and modeling of concrete structures
Jonathan Lamontagne
Associate Professor
water resources, decision making under uncertainty, hydrologic statistics, integrated global change assessment
Sauro Liberatore
Kingsbury Fellow and Research Assistant Professor
James Limbrunner
Professor of the Practice
hydrology, water resources systems, IWRM
Babak Moaveni
Probabilistic system identification of structures, signal processing, Bayesian inference, model updating, structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, uncertainty quantification, verification and validation of computational models.
Greses PĂ©rez
McDonnell Family Assistant Professor of Engineering Education
cognition and learning sciences, science education, engineering education, diversity and identity, technology and education, language and cognition, multicompetence
Juan Pestana
Professor of the Practice
geotechnical, geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil behavior, soil property characterization
Masoud Sanayei
Bridge structural health monitoring, building train-induced vibrations, nondestructive testing of full-scale structures, fatigue life prediction of structures with nonproportional multi-axial loading.
Lauryn Spearing
Assistant Professor
1) Infrastructure management during uncertain contexts 2) Understanding public perceptions towards the built environment 3) Sustainable water technology adoption
Helen Suh
Environmental health, environmental epidemiology, air pollution, exposure science, data analytics
Deborah Sunter
Assistant Professor
Science focused on energy, development and environmental management. Computational modeling of electrical grid integration of renewable energy and storage. Interaction of science and policy in academia, industry and government
Chris Swan
Research focuses on sustainable development and innovative engineering education, at times combining the two. Specific research projects include: 1) service-based education and how it can be best assessed and utilized in engineering and 2) waste minimization and reuse of traditional waste materials.
Farshid Vahedifard
Professor and Louis Berger Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Resilient and equitable infrastructure - Impacts of extreme events (e.g., drought, flood, wildfire) in a changing climate on infrastructure and communities - Climate adaptation of infrastructure - Slopes, dams, and levees - Unsaturated soil mechanics - Multi-physics (e.g., hydro-mechanical, thermo-hydro-mechanical) processes in soils - Analytical and numerical methods in geotechnical engineering
Robert Viesca
Associate Professor
applied mathematics and mechanics for geophysical and engineering problems
Mark Woodin
Senior Lecturer
epidemiologic methods
Secondary Appointments
Laura Corlin
Associate Professor
Dr. Corlin is an environmental epidemiologist who develops and applies cutting-edge epidemiological and exposure assessment methods to characterize and mitigate the health effects of exposure to environmental toxicants among vulnerable populations.
Jeffrey Griffiths
How to scale up package of health, nutrition and agricultural interventions (individually known to work at a small scale) to a national scale, so as to improve maternal and child health and nutrition, the human, animal, and environmental epidemiology of the emerging pathogen Cryptosporidium, development of an ultrastable measles vaccine for use where there is no refrigeration or during emergencies, influence of malnutrition and environmental factors, such as air pollution and heavy metals, on common infectious diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia.
Shan Jiang
Eileen Fox Aptman, J90, and Lowell Aptman Assistant Professor
Urban Analytics; Big Data Analytics; Urban Planning and Science; Spatial Data Science; Urban mobility;
Mark Kachanov
Mechanics of materials; effective properties of heterogeneous materials; microstructure-property relationships; applications to material science
Daniele Lantagne
Research Professor
water, sanitation, hygiene, infectious diseases, developing countries, emergencies
Abani Patra
Center Director for Data Science of TIAI, Professor of Computer Science and Math
computational sciences, data driven modeling
Beth Rosenberg
Associate Professor
Occupational and environmental health; designing effective safety systems; creating systems of production that do not harm workers or the environment; drivers for corporations to create those systems of production and overcoming obstacles that they encounter to this endeavor, public health improvements as social change. Current focus is safety systems and safety culture. Recent projects include: 1)health and safety curriculum development for the United Steelworkers of America, 2) health and safety systems in former nuclear weapons production sites and 3) improving safety conditions in the offshore wind industry.
Part-time Lecturers
Jay Borkland
Part-time Lecturer
Po-Shang Chen
Part-time Lecturer
Structural Engineering Design and Multi-Discipline Project Management
Anne Marie Desmarais
Part-time Lecturer
environmental health
Paul Dombrowski
Part-time Lecturer
Improving the design and implementation of in-situ groundwater and soil remediation, including permeable reactive barriers for treatment of large groundwater plumes, treatment solutions for emerging contaminants, and integrating ways to combine chemical remediation and bioremediation.
Elizabeth Kirtland
Part-time Lecturer
Effect of infrastructure on social equity, infrastructure against climate change, automation of the design process
Magaly Koch
Part-time Lecturer
Geology and hydrology of arid lands, coastal environmental change, natural hazards
Ryan Marshall
Part-time Lecturer
Structural engineering, bridge design, analysis, and inspection.
Affiliate Faculty
Linda Abriola
Adjunct Professor
Groundwater hydrology, soil and groundwater remediation, mathematical modeling of multiphase flow and transport in porous media, engineered nanoparticle transport and reactivity.
Steven Chapra
Research Professor and Louis Berger Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Emeritus
Water quality modeling, numerical methods, advanced computer applications in environmental engineering.
Russell Ewy
Keith Katahara
Visiting Scholar
Paul Kirshen
Visiting Professor
Richard Plumb
Visiting Scholar
Eleonora Maria Tronci
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Linfield Brown
Professor Emeritus
Lewis Edgers
Professor Emeritus
Stephen Levine
Associate Professor Emeritus
Lee Minardi
Senior Lecturer Emeritus
geometric modeling of manufactured products and constructed systems, spatial visualization, the use of technology in teaching mechanics, computer-aided design, and the use of computer tools for engineering problem solving
Richard Vogel
Professor Emeritus
Stochastic and Statistical Hydrology, Environmental Statistics, Natural Hazards.