Geosystems engineering

Cracking wood

Research in geosystems engineering at Tufts combines experimental, theoretical, and observational methods across topics in geohazards, geoenvironmental and energy systems, and geomechanics. Faculty conduct research and teach classes in: traditional geotechnical engineering, geohazards engineering with a focus on seismic hazard, and the mechanics of geosystems.



  • Laurie Gaskins Baise: Geotechnical earthquake engineering, seismic hazard mapping, natural hazards, remote sensing
  • Luis Dorfmann: Mathematical models of material behavior, nonlinear magneto- and electromechanical interactions, biomechanics of soft materials, rubber elasticity and inelasticity, materials science
  • John (Jack) Germaine: Geotechnical, laboratory testing, automation, soil behavior, physical properties, mechanical properties, material science
  • Lucy Jen: Geotechnical engineering, foundation design, computational geotechnics
  • Juan Pestana: Geotechnical, geotechnical earthquake engineering, soil behavior, soil property characterization
  • Chris Swan: Engineering education, geoenvironmental and geotechnical engineering
  • Farshid Vahedifard: Resilient and equitable infrastructure, impacts of extreme events in a changing climate on infrastructure and communities, climate adaptation of infrastructure
  • Rob Viesca: Applied mathematics and mechanics for geophysical and engineering problems