Field of Study: Structural Engineering and Mechanics

Students pursuing the Structural Engineering field of study in the Civil and Environmental Engineering MS Program must take the following 10 course requirements for a total of 30 credits:
- Fundamentals (choose three courses)
- CEE-105 Finite Element Analysis (3 credits)
- CEE-106 Structural Dynamics (3 credits)
- CEE-123 Advanced Structural Systems Analysis (3 credits)
- CEE-127 Structural Health Monitoring (3 credits)
- CEE-227 Structural Reliability (3 credits)
- CEE-293 Inelastic Composite Materials (3 credits)
- Structural Design (choose two courses)
- CEE-124 Advanced Steel Design (3 credits)
- CEE-125 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (3 credits)
- CEE-129 Bridge Design and Rehabilitation (3 credits)
- CEE-146 Foundation Engineering (3 credits)
- CEE-293 Offshore Wind Structures (3 credits)
- Numerical Tools (choose one course)
May be replaced by a technical elective with the consent of advisor.- ES-101 Numerical Methods (3 credits)
- ME-100 Applied Mathematics for Engineers (3 credits)
- MATH-165 Probability (3 credits)
- MATH-166 Statistics (3 credits)
- CEE-202 Environmental Statistics (3 credits)
- Professional Practice (choose one course)
May be replaced by a technical elective with the consent of advisor.- Engineering Management courses offered at Tufts Gordon Institute)
- Seminars (One course — 0 credits per semester)
- CEE-292 Civil and Environmental Engineering Seminar
- Technical Electives: (three courses)
Should be selected with the consent of academic advisor.
Note 1: A full-time student can complete this option (MS-non-thesis) in one year; however, three semesters are recommended.
Note 2: A full-time student may choose to complete a thesis as part of their degree program, in which case the program may take 1.5 to 2 years to complete, and MS thesis research (6 credits) may replace the equivalent number of two courses in Technical Electives.
Brian Brenner: Structural engineering, concrete design, bridge analysis and design, structural analysis/design
Eric Hines: Offshore wind engineering, structural engineering, earthquake engineering, steel design, concrete design, structural systems design
Daniel Kuchma: Offshore wind engineering, design, behavior, and modeling of concrete structures
Babak Moaveni: Structural health monitoring, system and damage identification of civil structures, model inference from measurements, uncertainty quantification and propagation in dynamic systems
Masoud Sanayei: Structural engineering, bridge structural health monitoring, environmentally-induced building floor vibrations, nondestructive testing of full-scale structures