Scheutz elected Fellow of AAAI

Matthias Scheutz, Karol Family Applied Technology Professor, has been named a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
Professor Matthias Scheutz

Matthias Scheutz, Karol Family Applied Technology Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tufts University, was recently elected Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

Scheutz is an internationally-recognized expert in human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence (AI), computational modeling, and ethics in robotics. He is the director of Tufts’ graduate programs in human-robot interaction and director of the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Lab

Also at Tufts, Scheutz was recently named the inaugural Karol Family Applied Technology Professor in recognition of his innovative teaching and research in human-robot interaction, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. In addition, he is president and CEO of Thinking Robots, Inc., a startup that provides software solutions that allow people to give robots instructions through natural language instead of having to program them.

AAAI is the leading international nonprofit scientific society dedicated to promoting artificial intelligence research and the responsible use of it. The association seeks to advance understanding of the mechanisms underlying intelligent behavior and thought and their embodiment in machines, and also works to increase public understanding of AI, to provide guidance for planners and funders, and to improve the training and teaching of AI practitioners.

The AAAI Fellows program recognizes a small group of AAAI members who have made significant, sustained contributions to artificial intelligence. It recognizes Fellows as having achieved unusual distinction in the field.


Computer Science

