Centers and Institutes

Brain and Cognitive Sciences

  • The Center for Applied Brain and Cognitive Sciences builds interdisciplinary research teams to conduct state-of-the-art research and development aimed at measuring, predicting, and enhancing cognitive capabilities and human-system interactions for individuals and teams working in high-stakes environments.

  • The Initiative for Neural Science, Disease & Engineering is an interdisciplinary center with multi-scale focus on brain and peripheral nervous system structure, function, and disease. It integrates bioengineering, stem cell biology, and regenerative medicine with technological innovation and therapeutic approaches.

Cellular Agriculture

  • The Tufts Center for Cellular Agriculture is leading the effort to overcome fundamental technical challenges in the field, develop standards, and share knowledge. The center strives to democratize the scientific building blocks of cultivated meat, build a pipeline of talent and expertise, and foster public trust in this novel technology.

  • The USDA National Institute for Cellular Agriculture at Tufts University seeks to develop a cell-based meat platform by integration of physical, biological, and social sciences; innovate the food supply chain to enhance food sustainability, nutrition, and security; and train the next generation of professionals.

Data and Computer Sciences

  • Tufts Cybersecurity Center for the Public Good is a collaborative space where students and faculty develop cybersecurity solutions to real-world problems. Housed within the Department of Computer Science, the center pursues cybersecurity work with attention to technology's impact on civic engagement and societal well-being.

  • The T-TRIPODS Institute focuses interdisciplinary efforts across multiple Tufts departments and campuses to advance the understanding of foundations of data science. The project convenes teams of mathematicians, computer scientists, statisticians, and electrical engineers to address timely questions and solve important problems on the frontiers of data science.


  • The Center for Engineering Education and Outreach is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to creating the next generation of problem solvers, kindergarten through college, through engineering education. Housed within the School of Engineering, Tufts CEEO is home to students, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty from engineering, education, child development, and computer science who collaborate on educational research and educational tool and technology development. 

  • Established in 2008, Tufts University's Center for STEM Diversity works in partnership with the School of Engineering and the School of Arts and Sciences to foster a diverse and inclusive science and engineering learning environment. The center focuses on strengthening meaningful student participation in science and engineering, specifically for traditionally underrepresented groups including women, African Americans, Native Americans, the LGBTQ community, and those who identify as Hispanic and/or Latinx. The center also works intentionally with first-generation college students and with students from low-income backgrounds.

  • The Institute for Research on Learning and Instruction introduces and sustains scholarly research on learning and instruction within departments, programs, and schools at Tufts. It is one of the first university-level structures working to integrate the historically distinct missions of research and teaching.

Materials Science and Engineering

  • The Tufts Interdisciplinary Advanced Materials Center unifies more than four dozen Tufts faculty members whose technical interests include materials science and engineering. Researchers produce novel and highly innovative research that advances basic and applied knowledge in materials.