Staff receive Distinction Awards

Every year, a handful of Tufts employees receive Distinction Awards, recognizing them for their exceptional dedication to helping students, colleagues, and Tufts programs succeed. This year, three engineering staff members were awarded for their hard work.
MaryAnn DiRamio is administrative assistant for Tufts Gordon Institute. She was nominated for proactively anticipating problems, building bridges across departments, instilling confidence that every detail will be taken care of, and leading from a position of service.
Students and colleagues nominated Dr. Kristin Finch, associate director of the Center for STEM Diversity, for her dedication to students and her tireless efforts in promoting diverse, inclusive engineering and science learning environments at Tufts.
While Beth Frasso recently moved to a new position in University Advancement, she was nominated for her work as both the department administrator for the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the chair of the Engineering Staff Life Committee, where she demonstrated years of leadership and strong support of faculty, staff, and students.
Chemical and Biological Engineering