Tufts hosts New England Complex Fluids Workshop

The event featured speakers from Tufts and other institutions who research soft condensed matter.
Organizers and invited speakers, left to right: Profs. Tim Atherton (Tufts, Physics), Amy Peterson (UMass Lowell), Ayse Asatekin (Tufts, ChBE), Benjamin McDonald (Brown, Chemistry), Jeffrey Guasto (Tufts, ME), Abigail Plummer (BU, ME), Matthew Panzer (Tufts, ChBE), and Graham Leverick (Tufts, ChBE).

Tufts recently hosted the 98th New England Complex Fluids Workshop (NECFW). Associate Professor Jeffrey Guasto of the Department of Mechanical Engineering organized the event with support from fellow Tufts faculty co-organizers Professor and Dean of Research Matt Panzer and Associate Professor Ayse Asatekin of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Associate Professor Tim Atherton of the Department of Physics. 

Over 100 attendees from universities like Harvard, MIT, Brown, Northeastern, Brandeis, and more gathered in Joyce Cummings Center for the day-long event. In addition to invited talks from other institutions, several Tufts faculty members including Guasto, Panzer, Asatekin, Atherton, and Assistant Professor Graham Leverick of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering delivered lectures at the workshop. Attendees were also encouraged to share updates about their current research. 

Since December 1999, the New England Complex Fluids group has hosted quarterly workshops at member institutions to allow for discussion among members of academia and industry who are focused on soft condensed matter. Workshops center on issues relevant to the field, professional development, and community building.