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Michael Wiklund

Professor of the Practice
Mechanical Engineering
human factors
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Andrew Winslow

Part-time Lecturer
Computer Science
Computational geometry, algorithmic self-assembly, discrete geometry, computational complexity, recreational mathematics
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Jason Wiser

Part-time Lecturer
Computer Science
digital game design, computer animation
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David Wittenberg

Part-time Lecturer
Computer Science
I do very little research now, but previous work was on proving cryptographic protocols; proving safety properties of models of physical systems (this involved using interval arithmetic to achieve correct numerical results using floating point arithmetic); and less formal methods of improving security properties of systems.
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Josephine Wolff

Associate Professor of Cybersecurity Policy
The Fletcher School
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Mark Woodin

Senior Lecturer
Civil and Environmental Engineering
epidemiologic methods
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Matthew Woodward

Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Animals, as a consequence of evolution, employ multiple, complex, highly interconnected, locomotion modes to overcome obstacles and move through unstructured environments; the individual contributions of which are not well understood. While roboticists have made great strides in enhancing robot performance, the focus has been on the control system (brain, sensors), and yet a significant gap still exists between robots and their biological counterparts. The Robot Locomotion & Biomechanics Laboratory at Tufts University focuses on enhancing robot mobility through a deeper understanding of the fundamental design methodologies employed by animals to combine locomotion modes (integrated multimodal locomotion), interact deterministically yet passively with the environment (morphological intelligence), and actuate their physical systems (advance actuation). Current projects include, adapting the complex, passive, multifunctional feet of desert locusts to enhance the dynamic surface interactions of terrestrial robots and support highly dynamic behaviors, studying how flying animals may use their physical systems (bodies) to transform relatively simple inputs into complex non-linear outputs through an understanding of the unsteady aerodynamics, and understand how swarms communicate and create complex structures.
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Qiaobing Xu

Biomedical Engineering
biomaterials, drug delivery, micro/nanofabrication, tissue engineering
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Zhongfeng Ye

Research Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering
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Pamela Yelick

Research in my laboratory focuses on mineralized tissue development, homeostasis, disease and regeneration. Our research models include the zebrafish, Danio rerio, mammalian models including pig, mouse and rat, human healthy and diseased tissues, and 2 and 3-dimensionional (3D) in vitro and in vivo tissue engineering models for human cartilage, bone and tooth tissue engineering.
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Hyunmin Yi

Associate Professor
Chemical and Biological Engineering
nanobiofabrication, smart biopolymers, BioMEMS, material science
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Vitaly Yurik

Part-time Lecturer
Computer Science
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Zheng Zhang

Professor of the Practice
Biomedical Engineering
medical devices, new product development, biomaterials, polymer chemistry, analytical chemistry
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Julianne Zimmerman

Part-time Lecturer
Gordon Institute
Innovation, entrepreneurship, social enterprise, impact investing, racial justice investing, gender equity investing, and related topics.
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Michael Zimmerman

Professor of the Practice
Mechanical Engineering
novel polymer electrolytes for batteries, liquid crystal polymers, composite materials, materials science