Student groups & organizations
Engineers Without Borders (EWB)
Student group at Tufts University that works on sustainable engineering projects in developing countries. Please visit our website to get more information on our current projects and how to donate.
Engineering Student Council (ESC)
Please visit our site to learn more about the council and its events such as Engineering Week. Get information about about the Order of the Engineer, which is an honor society dedicated to upholding the ethical standards of the engineering profession.
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
Eta Kapp Nu is the Electrical (and Computer) Engineering Honor Society. Membership is by invitation, with the induction usually held in the Spring. Faculty Advisor: Professor Hwa Chang
Graduate Student Council (GSC)
The Graduate Student Council (GSC) was established to provide a forum for graduate students across all the disciplines in Arts, Sciences and Engineering. Each year the GSC works on a diverse array of student life and learning issues including healthcare, housing, and travel and research funding. Visit our site to learn more about the council.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
IEEE is the professional society for Electrical and Computer Engineers, as well as students majoring in Computer Science. Faculty Advisor: Professor Karen Panetta
National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE)
The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), with more than 29,900 members, is one of the largest student-governed organizations in the country. NSBE is governed by an executive board of college students and engineering professionals and is operated by a professional staff in our World Headquarters located in Alexandria, VA.Chartered in 2002, Tufts NSBE strives to achieve its mission through the collaborative partnerships we have with the Office of STEM Diversity, Mexican Association of Engineers and Scientists, and the Society of Women Engineers.
Nerd Girls
Encouraging young women to pursue engineering and science, Nerd Girls is a growing movement by young women in the sci-tech fields to create a worldwide network and to offer support and encouragement so that more girls will study these subjects in school and enter into what have historically been male-dominated professions. is an international online community that unites students, young professionals and anyone else who supports what the Nerd Girls are about. This includes men and parents, too. Faculty Advisor: Professor Karen Panetta
Society of Latinx Engineers and Scientists (SOLES)
Tufts SOLES is an organization affiliated with MAES (Mexican American Engineering Students), which is a national society that supports minorities majoring in STEM fields.
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
SWE bridges the gap between women engineering students, industry and young girls with interests in science. Members participate in social events, professional events as well as community service projects. SWE invites all Tufts students, not just women engineers, to join.
Tau Beta Pi (TBP)
The Engineering Honor Society. Membership is by invitation. The induction is usually held in the Fall. Faculty Advisor: Professor Hwa Chang