Safety and support

Laboratory Safety Policy

  1. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is committed to providing a safe environment for all its students, staff and faculty. The department chairperson or his/her designate, coordinates the safety program in the department and is responsible for ensuring its compliance and implementation. The department safety coordinator will be familiar will all applicable University, State and Federal safety rules and regulations that pertain to third level educational institutions.
  2. The Department Safety Policy and the Laboratory Safety Manual will be reviewed annually by the faculty and approved by the Tufts University Department of Public and Environmental Safety.
  3. To ensure a safe environment in the department, any student centered activity will have associated with it a cognizant faculty or staff member who is responsible for the safe conduct of the students engaged in that activity. It is the responsibility of this cognizant individual to assure that applicable safety regulations are considered, that good safety practices are followed, that appropriate safety equipment is made available, and that necessary safety training is completed.
  4. At the beginning of each semester, the department safety coordinator will conduct a safety inspection of all teaching and research laboratories, classrooms and other space commonly used by students. A safety checklist will be used to record the results of the inspection. Any safety concern will be reported in writing to the appropriate faculty and the chairperson.
  5. Safety information related to the department will be emailed periodically to all students, staff and faculty. All accidents involving staff, students or faculty should be reported to the main office immediately. If an accident occurs in a teaching lab, it is the responsibility of the faculty / teaching assistant to report the accident. The reporting of accidents that occur in research laboratories is the responsibility of the faculty in charge of the laboratory. In the case of a student centered activity such as a club or student organization, the associated cognizant faculty or staff member who is responsible for the safe conduct of the students has the responsibility of reporting an accident.
  6. A laboratory safety manual will be included with all laboratory assignments. During the first laboratory assignment, the faculty or teaching assistant conducting the laboratory will review the safety manual with the students.
  7. Work areas, aisles and passage ways must be kept clean and free from obstructions that could create a hazard. Laboratory floors must be maintained and kept in a dry condition.
  8. Appropriate operator training is required for all students, staff and faculty who work on potentially hazardous equipment or conduct hazardous experiments.

Technical Support

The CS & ECE Systems group is available to assist with your computational and technical needs. Please visit the CEAS Help Desk in Halligan 110, or contact us by phone at 617-627-3327 or send an email. Solutions to frequently asked questions and problems are available at the Systems User Guide.