Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCPE)

Program Director: Valencia Koomson

Students wishing to investigate more intensively the analysis and design of digital computers, as well as the analysis, design, and operation of systems in which computers are an integral part, may follow the computer engineering program.

Design computer hardware with specialized cores for specific applications, connect intricate networks across cloud-based software or embedded internet-of-things devices, enhance computer security and safety, and create more efficient, reliable, and powerful devices for the future of computing.

The BS in Computer Engineering (BSCPE) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Programs.

Of the 120 credits or more required for the professional degrees accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, a minimum of 30 credits must be completed in college level math and basic science subjects appropriate to the discipline and a minimum of 45 credits must be completed in engineering topics, consistent with ABET general and program criteria.

Program Objectives

The educational objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering specify that:

  • The graduate will have demonstrated a professional impact in their employment or graduate work.
  • The graduate will be a leader among their peers and/or a leader in innovation.
  • The graduate will conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner.
  • The graduate will understand the societal impact of their work in a global context.

Student Outcomes

The student outcomes for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Programs specify that, by the time of graduation, all graduates will have:

  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  • an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.