2023 Graduate Awards announced

The Graduate Awards Ceremony recognizes exceptional graduate students, faculty, and staff for their outstanding contributions. This year three graduate students, two alumni, and one faculty member from the School of Engineering received awards.
PhD student Sarah Radway won the SOE award for Outstanding Graduate Contributor to Engineering Education. She is pursuing an interdisciplinary PhD in Tufts School of Engineering’s Department of Computer Science and at The Fletcher School, studying the intersections of technology and policy
Postdoctoral scholar Justinne Guarin, who earned her PhD in biomedical engineering, and Zhe Huang, a PhD student in computer science, were each recognized with the SOE award for Outstanding Academic Scholarship.
Two SOE alumni, Steven Moysey, EG98, AG01, and Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan EG10, were each honored with SOE Outstanding Career Achievement Awards.
Assistant Professor Srivalleesha (Valli) Mallidi of the Department of Biomedical Engineering was honored with the SOE Faculty Teaching and Mentoring Award.
The Graduate Student Council (GSC) honored two students and a faculty member. Bright Futures Assistant Professor James Van Deventer of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering received an award for Outstanding Faculty Contribution to Graduate Studies. Pomai Yamaguchi, a PhD student in biotechnology engineering, won the award for Outstanding Graduate Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion. The Graduate Student Council Service Award was awarded to Briana Lino, a PhD student in biotechnology engineering. The GSC also recognized the Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering Society (BEaChES) as the Outstanding Graduate Student Organization of the year.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Biomedical Engineering ,  Chemical and Biological Engineering ,  Computer Science ,  Electrical and Computer Engineering ,  Engineering Management, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (Gordon Institute)