Assistant Professor Amy Pickering and colleagues found that unsanitary conditions in markets are a key source of produce contamination in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
A team of researchers including Ph.D. student Dimitra Pouli and Professor Irene Georgakoudi created a winning image at the FASEB BioArt image competition.
Mechanical Engineering faculty and students participated in the world's largest meeting and showcase of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology.
Tufts researchers have discovered a breakthrough process for methane conversion that could lead to more energy efficient production of methanol or acetic acid.
Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor Xiaocheng Jiang was recently awarded a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)'s Young Investigator Research Program.
Tom Breur, a lecturer at Tufts Gordon Institute, explains the importance of studying data science, and the risks and innovations companies experience when they integrate data science into their work.