Voting is now open for the annual STAT Madness competition, celebrating the best innovations in science and medicine. A paper from Biomedical Engineering Professor David Kaplan and a team of researchers is in the running, as well as a
A group of researchers from the departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering published findings in Nature Microengineering and Nanosystems on a low-cost method of microneedle production intended for transdermal drug d
A group of researchers, including postdoctoral scholar Zaira Martín-Moldes, studied the role of silk in bone repair, with findings published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
A team of researchers including Ph.D. student Dimitra Pouli and Professor Irene Georgakoudi created a winning image at the FASEB BioArt image competition.
Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor Xiaocheng Jiang was recently awarded a grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)'s Young Investigator Research Program.