When the syllabus includes “Jurassic Park” and genetic engineering Assistant Professor Nisha Iyer illustrates the latest science by referring back to classic sci-fi films for an introductory class on biotechnology. Research , Human health and bioengineering , Human-technology interface , Tufts Now , Engineers , Faculty , Students , Undergraduate students , Women engineers , Campus news
Measuring metabolism at the speed of light Professor Irene Georgakoudi delivered a lecture on label-free, high-resolution imaging at the National Institutes of Health. Research , Human health and bioengineering , Engineers , Faculty , Women engineers
Alumni Spotlight: Abby Niesen, E14 Tufts alumna makes her mark on international scale at UC Davis Department of Biomedical Engineering. Research , Human health and bioengineering , Research news , Engineers , Alumni , Women engineers
Mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity with AI Professor and Dean of Graduate Education Karen Panetta spoke with ABC News about the potential environmental, energy, and agricultural benefits of using AI in underwater imaging. Research , Energy, water, and environment , Research news , Intelligent systems , Engineers , Faculty , Women engineers
How to get the best results from ChatGPT Start by understanding how it works and then learning from your interactions with it, says Professor of the Practice James Intriligator. Research , Human-technology interface , Tufts Now , Engineers
Guiding ChatGPT to better results Professor of the Practice James Intriligator shares tips about how to use ChatGPT more effectively with The Conversation. Research , Human-technology interface , Engineers , Faculty
Bioengineered yeast feed on agricultural waste Researchers from the Nair Lab set the stage for biomanufacturing of biofuels and other products with a very low carbon footprint. Research , Energy, water, and environment , Research news , Tufts Now , Engineers , Faculty , Graduate students
Graduate student receives poster award PhD student Aaron Love recently won a Best Poster Award at the Boston Bacterial Meeting for his research on protein coding schemes. Research , Human health and bioengineering , Engineers , Students , Graduate students , Campus news
Powering up a ‘Blue Economy’ Efforts to shape a sustainable future for oceans inspire Tufts’ inaugural Bluetech Innovation Day. Research , Energy, water, and environment , Tufts Now , Engineers , Faculty , Alumni , Graduate students , Campus news