Sonic anemometer takes flight A team of researchers published findings on the design and testing of a digital sonic anemometer that surpassed all previous wind measurement technology in terms of altitude. Energy, water, and environment , Research news , Faculty , Alumni , Graduate students , Undergraduate students
A path to decarbonize economies and support cleaner technologies Join the Tufts School of Engineering on November 5 for a Dean's Lecture with Vikram Handa, E01, founder and managing director of the Epsilon Group. Energy, water, and environment , Engineers , Alumni , Undergraduate students , Campus news
Tufts graduate student is contender for the 2024 NCAA Woman of the Year Sophia DiCocco is named to the national top 30 honorees for the award, out of a total of 627 student-athletes nominated. Tufts Now , Engineers , Students , Graduate students , Women engineers , Campus news